Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Cherishing Singleness

I was at the Lighthouse briefly this evening collecting some random items that were left behind since my last week's exodus to my now apartment. I heard Rebecca said the funniest thing that I promised to remember forever.

Fifi was wetting a rag and started to wipe the floor of the bathroom and then their bedroom. Katja was there as well. We were astonished so we started to ask why was she doing that. Then out of the blue, Becca said "she ate something tonight that made her wanting to clean". Needless to say, we roared and the laughter didnt end there.

I realized I am so much in the mood of collecting memories, remembering what people said as though my life is ending soon.

My single days are numbered alright. Soon enough, I will be a married woman. For more than most, it is a lifetime excitement to look forward to. While I am sure being married to my wonderful Kah Kheng, life will be very exciting, awesome and filled with purpose, but I will never be the Angeline today, a single woman. The difference similarize life and death, a one way entry, absolutely irreversible.

I have spent majority of my adult life being involved with someone, idolizing marriage and all that. Only two years ago, I started to experience the greatest pleasure and privilege, even to point of a habitual sense, belonging only to my God. Hitherto, we are still guarding this relationship jealously. I have so many golden memories to be thankful for. I feel almost unwilling to let this end so soon. I know I will always have my God but somehow life will not be the same.

I am not so much fearful of the new change that is going to take place because I know my God is with me in this. I am just REALLY REALLY missing my relationship with my God as a single woman.


Anonymous said...

you are a brave woman!!!
For real!

me... still trying to figure things out...about change... we'll see gato we'll see!
miss ya even though you miss me only SOMETIMES,hehehe

Anonymous said...

oh yes, you get God all to yourself when you're single. And i get my pick of the barbies; ask catherine about that.

- william